Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's over

YAY! Finally all papers for Understanding Tests 2 had ended. :D

Time flies. It'll be week 13 tomorrow. Had spend 13 weeks which is around 3 months or so with E66F. 3 more weeks and semester is going end. Real fast man. And got to change class again. Time really flies. It is as though we just spend perhaps only 5 weeks together. However, the fact is that its been 13 weeks!!

Anyway, I had choose my modules and electives already.
  • B320 : Business Finance
  • C352 : Management Information Systems
  • C226 : Operating System Concepts
  • C203 : Web Application Development
  • C202 : Systems Analysis and Design

Didn't want to choose Business Finance but well, no choice. I wanted Digital Security and Forensics but it isn't available for year 2 student. Actually wanted some IT modules. But then, I asked around and no one actually wanted. So I was thinking, what it throughout the whole cohort, only like a few students chose, then the school won't be dumb enough to open a class for them ya? So, the probability for me getting an elective isn't high. So yah, I rather choose smth that most ppl choose be it difficult or not. I just want to clear one elective so as not to jam everyth in year 3. Smart eh? :|

Okkkkkkk, I'm going to watch my teeveeeee show alr! Bye!