You gave me lots of reasons or perhaps, excuses regarding to all your doings in the past. You said this and that, blah and blah. The words kept running in my mind. A voice in mind told me to trust you for the one last time. However, another voice told me that you can't be trusted.
Today, you told me the different things compared to those previous things you told me before. At that point of time, I'm really touched by what you said. Then, I realised you're telling me the truth this time round. My heart, my brain, my mind feels that, really. I knew what you were saying today were all truth.
Then I knew you had changed. You changed for the sake of me. You speak the truth 'cause you wanted me back.
I hold back to myself. Yes, you really touched me with all your doings and sayings now. I told you to give me time.
After thinking through so much, my heart, my brain, my mind told me to get back to you. Still, I'm caught in a dilemma. I think back through everything. I realised, I had not really forgotten you.
You always appear in front of me whenever I need help or when I need someone there for me though we are just friends now. Sometimes, you aren't there for me, I find it real weird. Is this called love?
There is another one, doing and saying all the things that touched me too. However, I know that I love that person, I really do. Time spend with this person really was great. The hugs we had are unforgettable.
All your sayings and doings really caught me in a dilemma now. Between you and another one, who should be what. I don't know. I really don't know.
If your intention was to put me in a dilemma, you had really did it. I'm really in a dilemma now. Please tell me, who should be what now. I had not forgotten you but I'm loving another one. Tell me what should I do now. I really don't know.
Loving 2 people at the same time is really something very terrible. The worst thing is there is no prioritising between the 2 people. I love the 2 of you really much that I couldn't make any decision now.
I left my phone aside. I heard it rings a thousand times. Messages had been coming in. Calls had been missed. I don't know. I really don't know what to do now.