Back to Bedok Town Sec today. Watched the concert. Was kinda disappointed. The dance, omg, cannot make it man. Think back through, at the year 2008, 4E1 (my class lah, duh) did a dance that stunned everyone even the vice principal was amazed by us and even thank the class for the effort. Though I'm not involved in the dance (duh), I'm very proud of this wonderful class! :D Theses are some pictures taken in the school. So much of memories.

Our 4E spirit will never die. We stay together since sec 1 and till now, its been 6 years. Carry on counting, dear friends! :D

Mrs Yeo was our sec 1 music teacher. She hardly remembers our name. Anyway, she is a great teacher I can say. :D

2 great teachers who will tolerate our nonsense and everything. They might be strict at times, nevertheless, they meant no harm but instead, its for our own good. We only understand it after we graduate. Thanks, Miss Ng and Miss (Mdm to be exact) Yeo.
To Miss Yeo: Congrats to your 2nd baby in your tummy. :D Also, your daughter is really pretty! :D
To Miss Ng: You're really not her self today mannnn! :| You must be like today everyday yo! :D

Then they guys went to find their "best" chinese teacher!
Anyway, this teacher name is Guo Ji Guang.
我说叽叽, 你说光,
“叽叽!” “光!”
“叽叽!” “光!”
粉红猪~ (His new nick after we found his fb account)

This is YongKeong's favourite teacher, Mrs Koh Teng Teng (I guessed I spelled wrongly? Pronunciation is right though) Anyway, she inspired YongKeong alot! Good for him! :D

Ahhh uhhh. She is our mummmmmy (Miss Cindy Tan). I still remember, during 1 of our NPCC trip out the school, we send the juniors to the course and 4 of us actually went to the nearest shopping mall to shoppp! Yes, shoppp. We had lunch at shopping mall (Swensens if I don't rmb wrongly, mum's treat) She treat us real good that day and took great care of us. Then we went to acrade to play toooo. She can really be a good mum. That's why we had her as our mum since that day onwards! :D

At parade square! After trying for 20 over shots!!!!! All thanks to Joanne, Kailing (biggest culprit) and YunYu (after trying 2 shot and she got it)
Then we decided to go to tamp mall to walk ard. Passed by primary school and found out that the school is still open at 2pm!!!! 'Cause we thought that it will be closed at noon 12? So we decided to go in. Though only 4 of us are from that school, the rest still accompanied us! Thanks guys! Know what? The school doesn't allow us to go so much in the school which means we got to find our ways to find those teachers without entering the staff room. We had our ways and tadahhhh.

Mrs Wong Goh Kah Lean. MISS HER SO MUCH MANNNNN! :D I can say, she is the best teacher I ever had comparing from my secondary school as well as primary school.

Anyway, this is primary school canteen (which is known as tuckshop)

And this is secondary school canteen (which is known as cafeteria)
Anyway, one of the stall in cafeteria (Healthy bites). This is the auntie at the stall. the shocking thing is, SHE STILL RMB US.
"哇!变美了噢!长高了 lehh!"
"哇!变美了噢!长高了 lehh!"
"Aunty, 还记得我门啊?"
So sweet of aunty to rmb us! 'Cause we often chat with her and often buy things from her! Cute man the aunty! :D
Anyway, there might not be much differences between tuckshop and cafeteria despite the height of everything la. But I can say, $2 can really buy the whole tuckshop in primary school. :D AND TUCKSHOP's FOOD ARE DEFINITELY NICEEEE!
Anyway, we didn't get to see some teachers today. One of them, TADAH!
Miss Choo Wee Man today!!! :( I guess she is still that cute and humor now.
"What is mong-char-char brother"
"Boh-bor-char-char lor"
This is her joke.
She is also another great teacher who will tolerate our nonsense and everything. Miss Ng, Miss Yeo and Miss Choo, 3 wonderful teachers! :D
P/S: This picture was actually taken 2 1/2 years back.
Okay, look at the picture below!

Okay, just look how much we have actually grown. The one on the left is taken in the afternoon and the one on the right is taken 2 years back when its Chinese New Year. OMG! I think, our position whenever we take pictures are the same. (I just realised though after looking through those pictures we had took)
Once again, HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY TO ALL THE TEACHERS. Hope you guys yourselves today (whatever event you guys are attending). Shall see you guys next year, this day. (If possible la uh) :D