REVEE LOW WEIYI: Understanding Test 3

Monday, September 06, 2010

Understanding Test 3

After 3 weeks of hols, in a flash, ita UT3 now. Damn fast one laaaaaaa! Been stressing for this upcoming uts. I got to score well to stretch my gpa, hopefully la uhhhhh. (:

Btw, i mixed up dates for 2 uts. How dumb can i be. Tsk. Supposedly IT security is on wed and database is on tues. But i got these 2 paper switch over. So i went to study for IT security. Real dumb mannnnn! :|

Anyway, its late now. My love had went to sleep. Its time for me to sleep too. 'Cause i wanna meet her in my dreammmmm. I miss her so so much!

Anyway, all the best to ppl having uts for the nx few days or even weeks. Don't get too much A ok, guys. Leave some for meeeee. (Ok, i'm just joking!) Score well ppl! :D