Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I saw article on South and North Korea incident. They fired a few rounds of bullets. 2 died. 20 over injured.

I saw another article regarding collapsing of a bridge in Cambodia. It happens when they were celebrating their festival. Then, the bridge collapse without any sign of signal. 450 died and 378 were injured. Hundreds of people have not been found. They died in a tragic way. Some were suffocated, some were dehydrated, some were electrocuted, some were even drowned to death. Local hospitals don't have sufficient place to place the unclaimed body.

Many died just within a few hours.

When I saw these 2 articles within a few minutes, I became emotional. Many things run through my head.

#1: Death came to us without showing us any signal.
#2: We won't know when will death fall on us.
#3: We won't know will our body be claimed, be found if we were to die in such a incident.

#4: 到底,人死了会去哪里?